FAIREn ja NAARCA-verkoston tapaaminen 31.5. Saaren kartanon residenssissä // Ilmoittautuminen 24.5. mennessä!

FAIRE Finnish Artist Residency Network -verkoston ja NAARCA-verkoston tapaaminen perjantaina 31. toukokuuta kokoaa yhteen residenssitoimijoita Pohjoismaista, Skotlannista ja Virosta keskustelemaan residenssisektorin ajankohtaisista kysymyksistä Saaren kartanon residenssiin Mietoisiin.

Tapaamisen ohjelmassa on puheenvuoroja ilmastokriisiin keskittyvän yhteistyöverkoston NAARCAn työstä ja syntyneistä tuloksista; kuulemme muun muassa residensseille suunnatusta kestävyystyökalupakista ja näemme verkoston komissioimia taideteoksia. Lisäksi saamme kuulla uudesta julkaisusta Residencies Reflected. Irmeli Kokon toimittama kirja tarkastelee taiteilijaresidenssejä osana yhteiskunnallista ja ekologista ajattelunmuutosta, sekä tutkii residenssien uusia potentiaaleja taiteellisen työskentelyn yhteisöinä ja ympäristöinä. Lisäksi kuulemme uudesta yhteistyöhankkeesta Nordic Baltic Residency Forum, jossa on mukana kolme kumppania LOORE Estonian Creative Residencies Network, FAIRE Finnish Artist Residency Network ja SWAN Swedish Artist Residency Network. Välitämme tietoa myös muista FAIRE-verkoston ajankohtaisista asioista.

Tilaisuus järjestetään Saaren kartanossa (osoite: Saaren rantatie 21, 23140 Hietamäki) klo 11.00–16.30. Tapahtuman tilat ovat jaakopinlato, navetan tanssistudio sekä Saaren kartanon päärakennus.

Kokouksen kieli on englanti. Osallistuminen on maksuton ja ohjelma sisältää aamukahvin ja lounaan.

Ilmoittautuminen on avoinna suomalaisille residenssitoimijoille tai residenssialan kysymyksiä muutoin käsitteleville tahoille. Olemme iloisia voidessamme myös isännöidä NAARCA, SWAN ja LOOREverkostojen edustajia.

Tilaisuuteen mahtuu yhteensä noin 70 osallistujaa. Ilmoittautuminen on auki ja sulkeutuu perjantaina 24. toukokuuta.

Ilmoittaudu tapaamiseen 24.5. mennessä täällä!


Event programme


Meeting between FAIRE and NAARCA Network at the Saari Residence 


Time: Friday 31 May, 11.00–16.30
Location: Saari Residence (Saaren rantatie 21, FI-23140 Hietamäki)
: English





Opening of the event, the Saari Residence’s Residency Director Leena Kela and The Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation’s Coordinator Riikka Suomi-Chande.

Light breakfast and coffee.



The work of NAARCA Network and the generated results. We will for example hear about the Sustainability Toolkit aimed for residences and see works of art commissioned by the network from artists Rikke Luther (Denmark) and Nikhil Vettukattil (Norway).

NAARCA is a long-term and sustainable collaboration between Scotland and the Nordic countries focusing on the climate crisis. Central for the network is sharing knowledge, experience, and know-how and multidisciplinarity. According to NAARCA’s principles social, mental, and environmental sustainability are linked and should be viewed as a whole.

Besides Saari Residence, the other members of the network are Cove Park (Scotland), Artica Svalbard (Svalbard, Norway), Art Hub Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark), Skaftfell Center for Visual Art (Seyðisfjörður, Iceland), Baltic Art Center (Visby, Sweden) and Narsaq Research Station (Greenland).




FAIRE Annual meeting

  • Introduction to the project Nordic Baltic Residency Forum.
    The network comprises three partner organizations: LOORE Estonian Creative Residencies Network, FAIRE Finnish Artist Residency Network, and SWAN Swedish Artist Residency Network.
    The project has a dual goal: assisting regional residency networks in developing sustainable organizational models and establishing a collaboration platform for artist-in-residence organizers in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Further, the project envisions ways to expand the network into a larger forum of residencies in the Nordic-Baltic countries.
    The project is financed by the Nordic Culture Point 1/24 short-term network funding.
  • Other current issues related from FAIRE Network



Residencies Reflected book launch.

The publication Residencies Reflected is looking at artist residencies as part of a societal and ecological mindshift. Through encounters of artists, artist residencies produce information about places, environments, and communities as well as about the nature and matter relationship shaped by the ecological crisis. The residency period in the creation process of the work is mostly invisible when the works are presented. One of the aims of the book has been to open the creative process in the context of artist residencies. The ten articles in the English-language publication examine the new potentials of residencies as communities and environments for artistic work. The writers of the publication are curators, artists, and academics within the residency sector. The publication is edited by Irmeli Kokko and it is published by Saari Residence in collaboration with Mousse Publishing.


Bus transport

We are organising a free bus transport from Turku to Saari Residence (Saaren kartano) in Mietoinen. You must register for transport in advance. The bus leaves from Kupittaa railway station at 10.30. Return from Saari Residence at 16.30 to Turku Bus Station and Kupittaa railway station.



In case you are arriving by car, you can park on the parking space on Saaren rantatie. Accessible parking is about 100 meters from the main building.

You can put Saarenrantatie 21 or Saarentie 220, 23140 Hietamäki in your navigator.


Accessibility of the event

The event takes place in the Jacob’s barn, the Barn’s dance studio as well as in the main building at Saari Manor.

Jacob’s barn is accessible.

The main building of the Saari Manor is equipped with a lift. The accessible entrance is behind the corner from the main entrance, in the west wing. The doorbell is by the lift.

The first floor of the main building is barrier free and equipped with an accessible toilet.

The barn’s dance studio has a 4 mm high threshold by the entrance. Entrance to the elevated dance studio floor through a slope. The passageways in the area are mainly gravel and sand. The road between the barn and main building is a sand road. There’s a hill along the way.

There’s no induction loop on the premises.

If you have any questions or wishes regarding accessibility, please get in touch with the Saari Residence saari@koneensaatio.fi or phone +358 44 350 0236 (Residency Hostess Iiris Lahti).


The event follows the principles of a safer space.


Further information

Coordinator Riikka Suomi-Chande
FAIRE Finnish Artist Residency Network led by the Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation
phone +358 50 420 3062


Organisers & supporters

The event is hosted by the Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation and the Saari Residence.
The event has received support from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and from the Nordic Culture Point.