
Res Artis news

Leena Vuotovesi has been elected as president of Res Artis. In Res Artis network, Vuotovesi is representing especially the arctic region and Finnish artist residency KulttuuriKauppila.

Res Artis is defining its new key values for a successful residency program. In the future, these values will also be the criteria for membership and will support residencies in their professional development.

In collaboration with Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder and Mobius Fellowship Program, Res Artis will organise its 10th Regional Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, 13 – 16 October 2016.

Res Artis has published “Res Artis Artist Residency Handbook”. The handbook is available for members-only, see The handbook can be updated continuously and members are asked to add different example documents into handbook in order to further develop the book together.